Art Archives

A collection of the projects I have created.

blog Forming a Concept of Art Project 1 What has influenced my artistic decisions are personal experiences. I am constantly trying to educate myself further. I have realized that when I learn something new that my mind appreciates it highlights these things when I see them out in the natural world. I become more aware of this new thing and that is what my first project was created to depict. I think that others will interpret it in some way but I do not think everyone will understand. Not everyone has next-level thinking abilities and just takes things for what they are instead of trying to depict the true meaning of a piece of artwork. I know line is a principle of art and I painted a big black line across the entirety of the canvas to contrast the opposite sides. My focal point is the wide open book almost shining on the bigger and brighter side. I think your eyes are drawn to that first thing when looking at this piece. Another principle of art is contrast, which is clearly a principle of this piece. There are two opposite sides separated by a black line. I also put emphasis on the new learning part of the work by painting that in brighter and more attractive colors. read more What has influenced my artistic decisions are personal experiences. I am constantly trying to educate myself further. I have realized that when I learn something new that my mind appreciates it more